The GSA: Learn more about our weekly newsletter
Make sure to Subscribe Here
The motto of the Graduate Student Assembly newsletter is “Bringing You Graduate Student News That Matters,” and we strongly believe in this message. At a time when individuals are bombarded with technology and information, we can sometimes lose focus on the vitally important changes occurring on our University campus. Often times, these changes bring profound consequences and impact our daily lives. The GSA works to stay on top of the evolving nature of University governance, and we provide this newsletter to streamline the essential news to the graduate student community.
Submit Details of Your News, Events, & Issues
The newsletter is maintained and managed by the GSA Communications Director. If you would like to submit information for inclusion in the newsletter, please consider the following guidelines:
1.) We prefer to provide information that is not heavily advertised elsewhere. Instead, we prefer to give our valuable space to events and organizations that are graduate student focused and that need a publicity boost.
2.) We promise our members a fresh newsletter. This means that we try to include new information each week, which affects the events and deadlines we choose to publicize. Often times, we can publicize your event every other week, or in a reduced format the second and subsequent weeks. Again, our newsletter emphasizes “new” information.
3.) We enjoy including publicity events that come with already prepared graphics or images suitable for web delivery.
4.) Finally, we only publish news aimed at the graduate student community.
To submit your event, please e-mail the Communications Director at [email protected], who produces the monthly newsletter. You should include any potential graphics, the essential news of your event/deadline/organization, and remember that all information received will be edited for space and to conform to the GSA newsletter stylistic conventions.